Good news, everything is almost open on August 15!

August 15th in Paris, it is to take advantage of the torpor of the summer with the advantage of an almost deserted Paris and nevertheless of numerous open activities. Contrary to popular belief, not everything is closed on August 15 in Paris.  Discover our suggestions forVery nice activities to do with the family on August 15. Ihere's plenty to do! On the program, unusual visits, exhibitions, castles, animals ...

If you come to Paris for a weekend in August

(we advise you to book your tickets in advance for the tourist activities)

Playing tourist while visiting a Parisian monument

Treasure hunts scheduled for August 15

Outdoor Escapes Game on August 15

Visits with actors on August 15

If it rains on August 15, 2024

flyview virtual reality experience

Book a magic workshop at the Musée de la Magie

Fun ideas for discovering Paris on August 15 ...

the train attack

Fun at a funfair or amusement park

Our current reduced rates

Our best deals in Paris on August 15

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