-5% on tickets until August 31, 2024

(free for children under 3 years old)

Paris Zoological Park in figures

  • 255 species and 3,000 animals
  • Carnet rose: 231 births in 2021
  • The new arrivals: two roan hippotragues (or roan antelopes), a species to be protected
  • 34 research and conservation projects
  • 691 sponsors for 25 sponsored species
  • 72 departures1 for reintroduction (Griffon vulture)

What animals can you see at the Zoological Park?

  • It's hard to list them because of the diversity!
  • Among the 180 species present are: giraffes, rhinoceroslemurs, ring-tailed lemurs, sealsyoung lions, wolves, lynx, otters, jaguars, monkeys...
  • Also macaws, penguins, pumasbirds, lizards, snakes, tarantulas, frogs, fish...

Useful info

  • Open every day of the year, including public holidays.
  • In the 12th district of Paris (Bois de Vincennes)

-5% on tickets until August 31, 2024

The Paris Zoological Park

  • Formerly known as Paris zooit was completely redesigned and refurbished a few years ago, in the respect for animal welfare. The renovation is very successful!
  • The Paris Zoological Park is organized in five biozones spread over 14 hectares: the plains of Sudan (4.5 hectares), the rocky coasts of Patagonia, the forests of Europe and the tropical climates of Guyana and Madagascar
  • The animals live in the Paris Zoological Park in landscaped areas evoking their original eco-system
  • It's a great place to take a family walk. It's one of the children's favorite outings!
the zoological park of paris price list

Good plan, save by buying 2 attractions at the same time

Feeding of the animals (all year round)

  • The feeding animals (otters, lions, penguins, baboons, vultures...)
  • It's open to the public, every day of the week, with small commented 15-minute sessions with the healers.
  • The entire feeding program

The zoological park's wild rendezvous

  • The wild meetings: the time of a weekend, fun and educational activities to be as close as possible to the animals.
  • Every month, these meetings allow you to get to know a species better: wolves, manatees, giraffes, lions, bats, rhinoceros, otters?
  • These Rendez-vous sauvages also provide an opportunity to meet with specialists, with the teams in charge of the animals, and access to the backstage area. Manual activities and tales are offered to children.
  • Rendez-vous sauvage Spring : (date not communicated)
  • Summer Wilderness Rendezvous: (date not announced)
  • Fall Wilderness Rendezvous: (date not announced)
  • The wild rendezvous are accessible without reservation with the classic entrance ticket for the Paris Zoological Park

The barefoot path at the zoo (all year round)

  • This is a 225 m course composed of squares of materials (pine needles, limestone, mulch, mud, clay...) which alternate soft, rough, prickly sensations...
  • It is a very fun experience whose purpose is to feel, under the soles of the feet, the different floors that line the animal pens
  • We take off our shoes and barefoot (we don't cheat and we also take off our socks), we walk from square to square: it stings (the pine needles), it's very soft (the lawn), it's hot (the slate), it hurts a bit (the gravel and the pine cones)...
  • We walk on wooden trunks trying not to set our feet on the ground (like animals moving from branch to branch)
  • Beyond the sensory experience, this course helps us to better understand what animals are evolving and how they adapt to the environment
  • Water fountains are provided at the end of the course to rinse your feet)

Zoological Park nocturnes

  • Visit the Vincennes Zoo differently during the Nocturnes of the Paris Zoological Park
  • Watch the animals at sunset commented by the healers
  • Picnic possible in the heart of biozones.
  • Night tour dedicated to see park animals still visible such as bats flying freely in the big greenhouse.

Species conservation programs

  • Like most large zoos in the world, the Paris Zoological Park works for the conservation of species
  • Among them are the lemurs of Madagascar, otters of Europe, pumas of Patagonia or manatees
  • The Paris Zoological Park is also a place for research and education for the respect of biodiversity
  • It also has an educational role
the zoo of paris tickets

Practical information

View schedule details From October 10, 2022 to March 26, 2023: every day from 10am to 5pm From March 27 to April 30, 2023: Monday to Friday from 9:30 am to 6 pm. Weekends and vacations: from 9:30 am to 7:30 pm. From May 1 to August 31, 2023: every day from 9:30 am to 8:30 pm (Thursday nights from mid-June to mid-August)

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