March 30, 31 and April 1, 2024

Discover our suggestions of family outings for Easter weekend and especially for Easter Monday in and around Paris. On the program, Easter egg huntand many other ideas for activities. The Easter vacations will also be arriving very soon. Don't forget to book your tickets in advance (in particular guided tours of museums, immersive experiences...). Several shows are scheduled Easter Saturday and Easter Monday.

Don't miss the Easter weekend 2024...

Fun walks in Paris over the Easter weekend

what to do in Paris on Easter Monday

Fun ideas for Easter weekend in Paris

Easter weekend 2023

Shows scheduled for the Easter weekend

All year long, the best outings...

Our reduced rates and special offers for the Easter weekend

The cruise in Bateaux-Mouches : reduced rate from 2 tickets purchased 
The Vedettes de Paris morning guided cruise : - 35% on the adult ticket 
The Vedettes de Paris Family Cruise : reduced rate from 2 tickets purchased 

Paris by Night panoramic bus tour 
Bus Hop On Hop Off : - 15%
Commented ride on an electric Quad : - 14% discount
Electric scooter rental : -20% discount
A guided tour of Paris on an electric scooter
The night tour on an electric scooter
The ride on the quays of the Seine in Hoverboard

Great Gallery of Evolution : -10% until March 31, 2024

Aqua Ciné Aquarium : reduced rate on adult and child duets

Escape Games in the streets of Paris : -10% discount
Unusual guided tours : -10% discount
The Puzzle Walks : -20% discount
Visits and shows with comedians : -20% discount

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