In family, with friends, as a couple, on a school trip...
Cruises on the Seine
Brunch, Lunch and Dinner cruises
Paris by boat on the Seine to discover the most beautiful monuments and tourist sites of the capital: it is simply unavoidable. A walk of about 1 hour on the Seine with the open-excursion boat, the Stars of Paris, the Bateaux Parisiens or any other scenic boat company. It is magical and these cruises offer to one of the most beautiful views of Paris. at any time of the day or in the eveningDiscover the charm of Paris on the water. We have a preference for cruises at nightfall.
All the proposed cruises on the Seine are more or less similar. The route and services for a boat trip on the Seine are very similar, only the departure point may be different: the Compagnie des Bateaux-Mouches leaves from the Alma bridge while the Vedettes de Paris and the Bateaux Parisiens leave from the foot of the Eiffel tower. Besides the classic cruisesome cruises are specially designed for children 5-10 years old and others propose a formula cruise catering.