What to do in Paris in May?

All news of the month of May in Paris

Discover the May program in Paris and in the Paris region. At the beginning of May, it is still the Spring vacations for zone C. May is also the month of the holidays with May, the 1stMay 8 and Ascension Day (May 18). Finally, with the beautiful days, the offer of outdoor activities is multiplying. In May, the choice of activities in Paris and its region is really vast. Let's take advantage of it!

Book now for May 2024

Our favorites this month...

  1. Paris, Mysteries and Legends" guided tour (from 8 years old)
  2. The "Insert Coin" exhibition at the Musée de la Monnaie

Exhibitions to see in 2024

  1. Seth plays it cool (ages 3 and up) at Musée en Herbe
  2. Metro! (ages 6 and up) at the Cité de l'Architecture
  3. Prehistomania at the Musée de l'Homme (ages 5 and up)

Unusual tours of Paris districts

Up to 20% discount

Outdoor escapes game in Paris

-10% with code FAMILINPROMO

Treasure trails in Paris and Versailles

If you're coming in May for the weekend, our Paris sightseeing tours

A photoshoot in Paris with a professional photographer to immortalize your family's Easter vacation 📸

guided tour of Paris by Quad

Other fun ideas to discover Paris ...

What to do in the evening in May?

What to do around Paris in May?

Where to see animals with children?

Our reduced rates in May

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