Cancellation of Paris Face Cachée 2022
Unusual visits to Paris
By reservation only
Some tours are Free

Betting Face Down

  • WE LIKE: discovering unusual aspects of Paris, rarely open to the public
  • AGE: for all ages, depending on the tour chosen
  • DATE: June 10, 11 and 12, 2022 – Reservations before , but date not yet communicated
  • TARIFF: Free for some tours
  • LOCATION: 120 different venues in Paris

Paris Face Cachée 2020 : l’évènement insolite et impertinent pour les curieux de Paris

  • Paris Face Cachée returns every year, for 3 days in Paris
  • This year, it will exceptionally be in June
  • Be careful, it’s by reservation only and places go very quickly
  • The program is online from January 17 andreservations are open from January 21
  • Paris Face Cachée offers unique moments in atypical places
  • More than 120 original adventures to become wall-breakers, infiltrate confidential places or penetrate places that are usually inaccessible.
  • Unusual visits, to discover Paris from an unusual point of view
  • Some of the visits are free

The news of the month of June in Paris:

Piccola Opera House

We like : an introduction to the Opera in magical placesAge: for all, from 4…

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le billet adulte à 13€ au lieu de 17€
le billet enfant à 6,50€ au lieu de 8€