What to do in Paris right now?

- WE LIKE: original and unusual activities for all ages
- AGE: for babies, children and adults!
- FREE – no reservation required
- DATE : until September 1, 2024
- OPENING HOURS : from 10am to 6pm every day
- WHERE : Cité des Sciences (Paris 19th) –
Must-see outings in August 2024
A few meters from the “Club France” located in the Grande Halle de La Villette, “Le Grand jeu” at the Cité des Sciences is an event labeled “Cultural Olympiad” by Paris 2024! And it is with a little humor, and relaxation, that Le Grand Jeu de La Villette is associated with the Olympic and Paralympic festivities
Unusual sports and fun family activities at La Villette
It’s a bit crazy, it’s all summer long and it’s free!
… And it’s a golden opportunity to try from 6 years old : curling, skateboarding, and even rollerblading…
And to take the time with the little ones to discover the Lab of the City of Babies
In the hall:
- Unusual sports (from 6 years old) – Until September 1st, 2pm-5pm: plumfoot, horsing hobby? Original sports and their link with science with scientific mediators
- Introduction to chess (from 6 years old) – September 1st, 10am-2pm: To watch chess parents: initiation, free games, tournaments
- Curling (from 9 years old) – until 11 August 10am-6pm : to learn about the most unusual of Olympic winter sports
- Board sports (from 6 years old) – from 13 August – 1 September, 10am-6pm : new Olympic sport, the rules of skateboarding and its learning
At the library:
- Bookinou (from 3 years old) – 30 July, 2.30pm-4pm : Relaxing break – listening sessions for children and their parents
- Kamishibaï (from 3 years old) -July 31, 2:30pm-4pm : reading in Kamishibaï, a paper theater from Japan
- Animated notebooks (from 3 years old) – August 1st, 2:30pm-4pm : coloring pages that turn into cartoons thanks to a tablet
- Bird mathematics (from 3 years old) –2 August, 2.30pm-4pm: Inspired by the game book “Bird + Bird, or how to create new
- Seek & Find (from 6 years old) – 27 July and 3 August, 2.30pm-4pm: fun documentary research around sport with books from the library
The Cité des Bébé Lab (up to 23 months):
- July 16 to August 30, Tuesday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
- for babies from birth to 23 months
- 40 places available, with 1 or 2 accompanying adults, without children from 2 to 18 years old.
The Baby Lab is a free, warm and colorful space for exploration, designed without plastic and without screens for babies from birth to 23 months.