• WE LIKE : the association between Pierre Guillois (author of Bigre and Les Gros patinent bien) with the virtuoso circus artists of Akoreacro. The result is explosive
  • AGE: for all from 6 years old
  • DATE : until May 26, 2024
  • DURATION: 1h15
  • PLACE: Théâtre du Rond Point (Paris 8th)

In your heart”: A physical and musical show to enjoy with the family!

  • On stage : 8 acrobats and 4 musicians
  • The show stages a love story where the abundant imagination and biting humour of Pierre Guillois are wonderfully combined with the technical prowess of the circus artists of Akoreacro.
  • From love at first sight to arguments, fridges waltz and washing machines light up, while bodies fly away in dizzying figures to the frantic rhythm of live music
  • A 1h15 show
Dans ton coeur, circus show

La Presse talks about it…

  • Le Figaro : “A nugget! A marvel! We no longer know how to describe Dans ton cœur as this circus show reaches new heights.
  • L’Express : “One of the best shows of the year. The best?
  • Le Parisien : “It’s rhythmic, imaginative and funny enough to appeal to children. Subtle and exhilarating to enchant adults. In addition to technical prowess, there are visual finds, an assumed sensuality and nuggets such as these Guignol theatre-style sketches that take place behind floor mats. “In your heart” hits the nail on the head .”

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