In Paris and Ile-de-France
During the summer of 2024 and beyond

As the program is constantly evolving, we recommend that you consult the dedicated websites for the latest information (transport, museum openings, etc.), especially when it comes to getting around during the period when the sites are being set up and the competitions are taking place.

The Cultural Olympiad
Events all over Paris and France

  • As everywhere else in France, the Olympic Games is a time for all the arts. In fact, it's the only sporting event where the cultural and artistic aspect is compulsory!
  • With a multidisciplinary cultural program, artists are invited to exhibit or intervene in public spaces and institutions.
  • A program that celebrates culture with sport as its central theme
  • Theaters, museums, gymnasiums and public spaces host a range of events in a variety of disciplines: visual arts, design, scientific culture, traditional arts (tapestry, earthenware)...

- Art and sport -
Exhibitions in Paris and Ile de France, Summer 2024


  • Louvre Museum (1er, Paris Centre) - "Olympism - a modern invention, an ancient heritage". - until September 16
  • Musée d'Histoire du Judaïsme (MhJ) (3rd, Paris Centre) - "André Steiner - The body between desire and overcoming". - May 16 - September 22
  • Museum of Hunting and Nature (3rd, Paris Centre) - "1,2...4 PODIUM!" - Carte blanche to Plonk & Replonk-Bébert - until September 22, 2024
  • Hôtel de Ville (4th, Paris Centre) - "Paris! 10 years of transformation "May 25 to November 2024
  • Pavillon de l'Arsenal (4th, Paris Centre) - "À Vélo 1818-2030″ - All summer long
  • Bibliothèque Forney (4th, Paris Centre) - "Paris 1924. Advertising in the city"May 28 to September 28
  • Bibliothèque Historique de la Ville de Paris (BHVP) (4th, Paris Centre) - "Sport in Paris (1820-1950)". - March 21 to Friday, June 21, 2024
  • Victor Hugo House (4th, Paris Centre) - "Victor Hugo fencing"until September 15
  • Carnavalet Museum (4th, Paris Centre) - "The Carnavalet Museum enters the game(s)". - until September 8
  • Shoah Memorial (4th, Paris Centre) - "Olympic Games, mirror of society - until July 31 (free)
  • Préfecture de Police Museum (5e) - "Police and sport: esprit de corps, culture du corps". - until September 22, 2024 (free of charge)
  • Place du Pantheon (5e) - "Paralympic stories - from sporting integration to social inclusion (1948-2024)". - June 11 - September 29
  • Musée Zadkine (6e) – "The dislocated body in Zadkine's work - May 14 to September 22
  • La Monnaie de Paris (6e) - "Gold, silver, bronze - a history of the Olympic medal". - until September 22
  • Musée du Luxembourg (6th) - "Match, design and sport - until August 11
  • Musée de l'Armée - invalides (7e) - "Duels. The art of combat". - until August 18
  • In front of the Assemblée Nationale (7th) - : "Beauty and Gesture6 sculptures - until September 22
  • Petit Palais (8e)- "Body in Motion - May 15 to November 17
  • Petit Palais (8e) - "We are Here" - street art - June 12 to November 10
  • Museum of Romantic Life (9e) – "Géricault's Horses - May 15 to September 15
  • In the streets of Paris and Saint-Denis - "Photographs by Simon and Raymond Depardon"June to September
  • Musée national de l'Histoire l'immigration (12e) - "Olympism, a world history - until September 8
  • The Palais de la Porte Dorée - (12th) - "Olympism, a world history - until September 8
  • Bercy Village (12e) - "Sport from the sky - until September 15 - (free)
  • BNF Tolbiac (13th) "À nous les stades! A history of women's sport". - May 22 to October 13 - (free)
  • Musée de la Libération Leclerc Moulin (14e) - "Is Paris burning?"In connection with the 80th anniversary of the Liberation of Paris.
  • Spot24 (15th) - "Urban sports in Paris 2024" - until December 31, 2024
  • Maison de la culture et du Japon (15th arrondissement) - "Kenzô Tange-Kengo Kuma - architect of the Tokyo Games". - until June 29 and "Backstage des Jeux de Tokyo" Photographs by Enzo Lefort from June 4 to July 13
  • La Poste Museum (15e) - "Marathon, the messenger race - 15 friend - September 15
  • Palais Galliera (16th) - "Fashion in motion"until January 5, 2025
  • Fondation Louis Vuiton (16th) - France "The collection - an appointment with sport - until September 9
  • Marmottan Monet Museum (16e)- "At stake! Artists and Sport (1870-1930)" - until September 1
  • Cité de l'architecture et du Patrimoine (16e) - "Once upon a time there were stadiums - until September 16
  • Musée Clémenceau (16th) - "Clémenceau and sportfocus exhibition - april 16 to august 14
  • Parc de La Villette (19e) - "Archi-Folies 2024 - 20 architecture school pavilions hosting Club France federations from June 14 to July 7 and August 28 to September 3


  • 77 - Meaux - Museum of the Great War - France "Sporting soldiers, sporting practices in the French army from 1914 to the present day". - until August 19, 2024 - (free)
  • 78 - Versailles- Château - "The majestic horse at the heart of a civilization" - July 2 to November 3, 2024
  • 78 - Poissy - Toy Museum - Olympic toys: champions march on! - family exhibition - until September 22
  • 91 - Corbeil-Essonne - Parvis de l'Hôtel-de-Ville and in the city - "L'Œil urbain" photography festival from April 6 to May 11, 2024
  • 92 - Sceaux- Château - "Freewheels - From June 21, 2024 to December 31, 2024
  • 94- Vincennes - Service historique de la Défense - Vincennes - France "Sports champions awarded the Croix de Guerre". - until June 22
  • 94 - Nogent-s/-Marne - Musée intercommunal - "One step ahead! Ecole de Joinville, the invention of contemporary sport"(1852 -1939) - until July 31 - (free)

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