“Wonderful Tales, Mischievous Tales” – EVENT ENDED

Story time at the Institut du Monde Arabe

  • WE LIKE: an entertaining journey to meet the imagination of the Arab world,
  • AGE: from 4 years old
  • DATE: Wednesday and Saturday at 3pm + Tuesday to Saturday during school holidays in zone C
  • TARIFF: Free
  • PLACE: Arab World Institute (Paris 5th)

L’Heure du conte à l’IMA : un voyage distrayant dans l’imaginaire du monde arabe

Wonderful tales, facetious tales, and why not philosophical…
Story Time at the IMA offers young and old alike an entertaining journey to meet the jinns, ghouls and other creatures of the Arab world’s imagination, not to mention the tender or cruel princes, and the ravishing and clever carpenter’s daughters.
From 4 years old.
All year round from September to mid-July

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le billet adulte à 13€ au lieu de 17€
le billet enfant à 6,50€ au lieu de 8€