• WE LOVE : 11 tragedies of Racine in 1h30!
  • AGE : From 12 years
  • DATES: until June 26, 2024
  • DURATION : 1h15
  • LiEU: Essaion Theater (Paris 4th)

Racine par la racine: 11 tragedies of Racine in 1h30... We love it!

  • All of Racine in 1h15!
  • It's a blast, it's full of invention, intelligent, funny and very well performed by 5 amazing actors
  • An original way to (re)discover the classics
  • A brilliant piece full of humor to discover or rediscover the work of Racine
  • It is both erudite and entertaining
  • A show of 1:15
Racine par la Racine, play

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