Free for children under 26 years old

A fascinating museum to discover or rediscover with the whole family

  • WE LOVE The interactive, educational trail to find out all about the evolution of man since the dawn of humanity.
  • AGE general public, ideal for ages 3 and up
  • DURATION about 1h30
  • WHERE Palais de Chaillot, place du Trocadéro (Paris 16th)
  • FREE for children, under-26s if EU nationals
  • HOURS 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. every day except Tuesday
  • CLOSE :
    • Tuesday, 1st January, 1st May, July 14 and December 25
  • THE PLUS 2 dining areas with incredible views

With its breathtaking view of the Eiffel Tower, and the Champs de Mars, the Musée de l'Homme is housed in the heart of the Palais de Chaillot, place du Trocadero. It is adjacent to the Musée national de La Marine

The museum de l'Homme offers visitors an interactive tour at the heart of the great adventure of human evolution.

Designed as a vast playground bathed in natural light, this museum is one of a kind and whets the curiosity of the youngest. With a gentle approach notions of identity and evolution of the human speciesthey meet the story, art and the science.

Family activities at the Musée l'Homme

Fun and interactive guided tours

  • From age 5: "Les petits chercheurs". Two investigations with a mediator in the Galerie de l'Homme - Sundays and public holidays at 11:15 am (ticket +5€). Duration 1h
  • Ages 12 and up: "Discovering human beings". and its evolution over 7 million years. With a mediation of biology, history, anthropology and philosophy. Certain Saturdays at 11:15 am (ticket +5€). Running time 1h15
  • Ages 12 and up: "rocks, art and science". What surveys reveal. Discover the reproduction work of scientists and the painted and engraved works of prehistory! Certain Saturdays at 11:15 am (ticket +5€). Duration 1h30

Game books
(available at reception or to print out yourself from the website)

  • For ages 4-6 : discovering humans through the eyes of Allen, a character from elsewhere - deciphering museum objects
  • For ages 7-11 : help Allen organize the knowledge he has gathered in the course of his human research

To do at home with the family

  • Games and game-books to download from the museum's website for fun learning From building a model of a Neanderthal house following the instructions of archaeologists, to making paper casseroles or colouring in prehistoric scenes.

Stay tuned! There's lots more to discover, so be sure to check the museum program regularly.

The Musée de l'Homme, a fascinating museum-laboratory

  • The pleasant, airy museography has been completely redesigned for pedagogy and accessible to all audiences, adults and children alike
  • The visit is punctuated by three key points: Who are we? where do we come from? and ... where are we going?
    • Who are we with? we question the identity and uniqueness of the human species
    • Where do we come from? Explore our evolutionary history from origins to social man
    • And where are we going? questions our future on a planet profoundly changed by human intervention
  • The program includesamazement and fascination large thematic showcases featuring 1800 remarkable objects
  • In the manner of a cabinet of curiosities, children move from anatomy to food, from animal species to the evolution of the human species, from prehistoric man to repaired and robotized man ....
  • The permanent tour is dotted with 80 screens and 14 digital platforms offering audiovisual, tactile and sensory experiences
  • Interactivity is a key word in the installation of the collections, and it is fully realized when children are confronted with the "wall of languages" they have to pull out to listen to the world's languages.
  • or crank up the clock, shake hands with a chimpanzee, walk in the footsteps of an australopithecus, be filmed as a Neanderthal...
  • A restaurant provides an ideal break during your visit.

Some of the world's most important collections

  • The Museum of Man has occupied the Passy wing of the Palais de Chaillot since 1937. for the World's Fair
  • The museum's vocation is to present the human race in all its cultural and anthropological diversity.
  • Its collections are among the richest in the world in their field, such as the fossils of the men of Cro-Magnonthe Paleolithic statuette known as the "Venus of Lespugue", anatomical waxes... 
  • They include 700,000 prehistoric pieces and 30,000 anthropological pieces (specimens and representations of human bodies)
  • A genuine laboratory museum from the outset, it is one of the departments of the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle (MNHN), with over 150 researchers and academics working together on the museum's missions.
  • And somewhere in the offices, scientists even analyze modern DNA and former ...
The Gallery of Man


Practical information

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