Theatre, music and film adaptation of Jules Verne’s novel

Around the World in 80 Days

  • WE LIKE: Jules Verne’s novel in a theatrical and musical version
  • AGE: from 5 years old
  • DATE:
  • LOCATION: La Folie Théâtre (Paris 11th)
Children's theatre: around the world in 80 days

Le tour du monde en 80 jours : prix du meilleur spectacle jeune public 2019

  • This “Around the World in 80 Days”, staged by the Mascarade company, plunges us into the world of Jules Verne and the crazy adventures of Phileas Fogg,
  • This adaptation remains faithful to Jules Verne’s writing to the point of using some of the dialogues from the novel.
  • The use of several scenic processes : video projection, shadow theatre and leather masks make the show extremely lively.
  • Video projection is at the heart of the staging. It allows the public to immerse themselves in the industrial era through the dissemination of reworked archive images.
  • The masks allow the actors to interpret several roles and reinforce the characters’ characters.
  • Finally, shadow theatre takes the spectator into a scenic mise en abyme that supports the great actions of the story (elephant journey, Hindu procession, etc.) and gives free rein to the imagination.
  • The music, which is very present, is available according to each country crossed.
  • The Pitch : we are in London in 1872. Phileas Fogg, a secretive and phlegmatic gentleman, announces one day to his gambling club that it is possible to travel around the world in 80 days. Sir Thomas Flanagan, his rival, challenged him to accomplish this feat. Frogg then embarks on the adventure with his new French servant, Passepartout. From Paris to New York via Bombay and Hong Kong, by boat, train or elephant, it is a crazy journey, strewn with pitfalls and encounters that our two characters will experience.
  • A nice way to introduce this wonderful story to children.
  • Once again, the Compagnie Mascarade offers a colorful and high-quality show
  • A 1-hour show

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