• WE love : the splendour of the treasures in Tutankhamun's tomb, dating back more than 3000 years, and the exceptional and the exceptional scenography of the
  • Age : from 8 years
  • Duration: until September 22, 2019
  • Location: Great Hall of the Villette (Paris 19th)
  • Rate : Weekdays : Adult 22 € ; Child (4 to 14 years old) 18 € - Week-end : Adult 24 € ; Child 20 €.

It is strongly advised to buy your tickets in advance. Time-stamped tickets per 30-minute session

Tutankhamun, the exhibition of the moment in Paris

The treasures of Tutankhamun, a marvel

  • The exhibition Toutankhâmon the Pharaoh's Treasure presents 150 objects, a third of which have never left from Egypt
  • It is part of the works discovered in 1922 in the tomb of Tutankhamun, a veritable Ali Baba's cave. The other great tombs were all looted, most of them shortly after the burial.
  • This is the last opportunity to see them before they move to the Great Egyptian Museum, scheduled to open in Cairo between 2020 and 2022. scheduled to open in Cairo between 2020 and 2022.
  • The richness of these funerary objects dating from 1336 BC, as well as their beauty and refinement are simply extraordinary. and refinement are simply extraordinary.
  • The exhibition shows intimate objects that served the young pharaoh and that he took to his tomb: gloves, sandals gloves, sandals, walking sticks and hunting bows. Pharaoh must have had everything he needed to live in his journey to the afterlife and to resist evil spirits.
  • The statue of the god Amun protecting Tutankhamun, Tutankhamun standing on a panther, a magnificent gold pectoral, a gilded wooden ceremonial shield, a figure of Horus under a tree, and a panther, a magnificent gold pectoral, a ceremonial gilded wooden shield, a figurine of Horus in the guise of a falcon, a gold pectoral of the bird Ba with incrustations of the the features of a falcon, a golden pectoral of the bird Ba with glass inlays...
  • Here we can see only a small part of Tutankhamun's treasure because today 5,398 pieces are kept in the Cairo Museum. are kept in the Cairo Museum, including the famous mask that will never leave the country

An exceptional scenography, an exhibition suitable for children from 8 years

  • The scenography is masterful and the exhibition, Toutankhâmon le trésor du pharaon, is remarkably educational. It is a wonderful introduction to Egyptology for young people.
  • The tour offers an immersion in ancient Egypt, its deities and mythology. It allows you to to walk in semi-darkness around the works, to discover them from all angles, in well-lit well-lit display cases.
  • The exhibition also features numerous videos and photos, which show the excavation work, up to the present day. It also devotes a room to the "Tut-Mania", a delirium that took hold of the Western world in the 1920s. the Western world in the 1920s.
  • The atmosphere of the exhibition respects and perpetuates the mystery of the tomb that was destined never to reopen. never to reopen.

magnificent exhibition on the treasures of the tomb of Tutankhamun
exhibition on the treasures of the tomb of toutankhamon at the Grande halle de la villette
Tutankhamun exhibition at the Grande Halle de la Villette
treasure of toutankamon at the grande halle de la Villette

Practical information

View schedule details
  • Every day from 10h to 20h, without exception

1 How

Remmeau Alain

I was visiting this wonderful exhibition on TOUTANKHAMON last Sunday but I could buy the book at 50 € out of stock.
At the reception I gave my phone number and my email address so you can contact me to buy this book. I would like an answer and tell me how to get it.
Best regard.

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