Open air theater

The Precious Ridicules

  • WE LOVE : a great classic very originally interpreted; an open-air show, in the magical setting of the Bois de Boulogne
  • AGE : ideal with from 8 years old
  • DATE:
  • LOCATION: Théâtre de Verdure - Shakespeare Garden (In the Bois de Boulogne, Paris 16e)
Molière's play in the open air at the Théâtre de Verdure

Less precious ridicules: Molière's comedy, still relevant today

  • A show for young audiences in the magnificent setting of the Théâtre de Verdure in the Bois de Boulogne, a place to discover absolutely
  • The comedy of Molière, still relevant
  • The Story: Attracted by the pleasures of good manners and appearance, two charming damsels reject their suitors who they find too "classic". To get even, the two men send their valet, a fanciful mythomaniac, to seduce the two ingrates and make them look ridiculous.
  • Directed by Patrick Courtois
  • A show of 1 hour

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