Theater - A classic!

The Doctor in spite of himself

  • WE LOVE : a classic, popular family comedy
  • AGE : from 8 years
  • DATE: until August 31, 2024
  • DURATION: 1 hour
  • LOCATION: Comédie Saint-Michel (Paris 5e)

Le Médecin malgré lui: a classic for the whole family

  • To take revenge on a lazy, shrewd and lazy Sganarelle, his wife, Martine, makes him look like a great doctor... Misunderstandings follow one another to the delight of the audience...
  • A show in period costumes directed by Amélie Dhée
  • A show of 1 hour
doctor in spite of himself at the Comédie Saint Michel

Press coverage ...

  • Télérama TTTThis short version is a great way to discover Molière's world".

Practical information

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