Milirue's fun and educational exploration notebooks from MS to CP
2 discovery routes to be done on foot without a guide and in complete autonomy
Duration of the courses : 1h30 to 2h
Exists in 8-12 years old version (from CE1 to CM2)

Your school or extracurricular outing
with Milirue's educational and fun kit

  1. An educational kit to prepare the outing (for the teacher or leader)
  2. A booklet (educational booklet) per child during the visit
  3. A digital medium for an immersive and interactive visit
  4. (the booklet can be studied in class after the outing and brought home)

You are a teacher, a leisure center, a youth association, a town hall...

  • Go and discover the Ile de la Cité and the Louvre-Tuilerie-Palais-Royal district thanks to the very well done notebooks from Milirue.
  • From stage to stage, the children are the actors of their discoveries: anecdotes, observations, course or not course... A fun and captivating 100% walk in which they are the mini-guides !
  • The notebooks were designed with a Montessori teacher of three grades of kindergarten, a speech therapist and a speech therapist with an educational and playful approach. Their content is related to the learning process from the Kindergarten to the end of the first grade.
  • They rely on a digital medium to an immersive and interactive visit. Nothing to download, no login, no password: it's very simple and adapted to the youngest.
  • Material provided:
    • a educational kit A computerized guide for teachers/leaders with suggested activities to be done before the field trip, in class, and others to be done on the way back (graphics, vocabulary, oral expression, plastic arts...)
    • 1 booklet per child and per course
  • Children come home with their notebookswhich will be filled with all their finds and small memories throughout the day
  • D-Day, you are autonomous ! 100% free in your schedules and in the rhythm of your day.

The Milirue team will accompany you in your field trip project so that you can take advantage of all the resources available.

Useful information

  • Number of children: unlimited
  • 1 booklet per child
  • 1 accompanying adult per group of 3 to 6 children
  • For children from 4 to 7 years old (from MS to CP)
  • Also available in 8 to 12 years old version (from CE1 to CE2)
  • Duration of each discovery tour : 1h30 to 2h
  • Departure: Notre-Dame de Paris square for the Ile de la Cité route, Louvre square for the Louvre-Tuileries-Palais Royal route
school outings in Paris
LA SOUPE À LA GRIMACE show at the Essaion theatre (Paris 4th)

Face soup

La soupe à la grimace WE LIKE: the participatory aspect of the super-funny texts,...

Practical information

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