At the Comédie Française

The Free Exchange Hotel

  • WE LOVE : Funny, kidnapped, great vaudeville
  • AGE : from 12 years old
  • DATE:
  • LOCATION: French comedy (Paris 1st)
Piece by Fedeau at the Comédie Française

The Free Exchange Hotel or the mechanics of laughter

  • Resumption of Feydeau's play directed by Isabelle Nanty
  • "Security and discretion! Free Trade Hotel, 220, rue de Provence! Recommended to married people ... together or separately! "
  • When Madame Pinglet, outraged by this advertisement, reads to her husband - who has just made an appointment with her neighbor's wife - neither of them can imagine that everyone will unexpectedly find the next night ...
  • Funny kidnapped, great vaudeville
  • Wonderful actors in a very funny direction by Isabelle Nanty

Featured plays for youth:

LA SOUPE À LA GRIMACE show at the Essaion theatre (Paris 4th)

Face soup

La soupe à la grimace WE LIKE: the participatory aspect of the super-funny texts,...

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