From 9 years old
Location: Arc de Triomphe (8th)
visit for children and teenagers to the Arc de Triomphe

Pitch of the visit "What a battle for a Triumph".

The Arc de TriompheEvery year, it is the commemoration of the tomb of the unknown soldier, it is also one of the most beautiful views of ParisDuring this visit, we will tell you about its very particular architecture (a tetrapyle). Did you know that the victorious soldiers were welcomed there (a promise in the sun of Austerlitz)? It is also the ancestor of the French traffic circles which is in the middle of a square in the shape of a 12-pointed star. But the stars of the Arc de Triomphe are two unknowns, a soldier and his wife...

It may be called Triumph, it commemorates Victories and Great Men and it praises very noble causes, but it has unleashed the most vivid controversies with among its vigorous detractors no less than Victor Hugo, Clémenceau or the future Napoleon III.

Your children will discover during the course of this exciting visit (animated by a guide), history and anecdotes that revolve around him.

Rates and information for scheduled visits

  • Rate : 14,01* (adult or child) - 10% discount with code FAMILINPARIS
  • 22 participants maximum per visit
  • Age : from 7 years old
  • Duration of the visit : 1h30
  • Place At the Arc de Triomphe (in the 8th district)
  • This visit is animated by a lecturer guide
  • An adult seat is necessarily associated with a child seat.
  • Visit in French
  • No waiting tickets (no waiting)

* The adult rate does not include the price of the ticket for the Arc de Triomphe

Guided tours for families in museums...

When I grow up, I'll be a knight

1 - WE DO NOT ACCEPT CHILDREN ALONE (unaccompanied by an adult).2 - YOU MUST RESERVE A TICKET FOR EACH PARTICIPANT (child and adult...

Practical information

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