To make children eat vegetables!
We can do anything with Brick paper! It's a perfect base for a "closet cooking" recipe. Sweet, savoury, vegan, tuna, meat... Pull out your cupboard and your fridge and invent your own recipe!
- IBasic ingredients : sheets of brick
- With cooking (baking)
- Cooking time 45 minutes
Recipe n°1 : canned tuna + 1 leftover puree :
- Mix the mashed potatoes (or crushed cooked potatoes) with a little crème fraîche and chopped chives. Season with salt and pepper.
- You can replace the mashed potatoes with 3 medium cooked potatoes. And the chives with parsley or coriander.
Recipe n°2 : potato + lardon + reblochon :
- Savoyard-style panelling!
- for 4 people: 3 cooked potatoes, 1 packet of smoked bacon, 120gr of reblochon cheese, 1 minced onion
1 - You can add chopped onions
2 - If you can't find yellow or black carrots, orange carrots will do very well.
3 - You can replace the Comté with another grated cheese.