at the Lucernaire theater

The Bourgeois Gentihomme

  • WE LOVE : one of Molière's funniest plays performed by young actors
  • AGE : for everyone from 7 years old
  • DATE:
  • DURATION: 1:15
  • LOCATION: Theater Lucernaire (Paris 6th)
The Bourgeois Gentillhomme at the Lucernaire theatre in Paris

Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme au Lucernaire: a burlesque version carried by young actors

  • Very burlesque and very successful adaptation of one of the funniest plays of Molière
  • The actors are part of the theater school Lucernaire
  • The staging gives a furious rhythm to the room
  • The story: Mr. Jordan, who is a rich bourgeois, dreams of being who he is not, ie a gentleman. He uses the great means to achieve this goal and goes on a quest to learn dance, music, combat,
    philosophy and wants to dress in the latest fashion. He takes the best teachers. But everyone, from his wife to his teachers, from his servant to his future son-in-law, everyone laughs at his nobility and ridicule, not without taking advantage of it.
  • A show of 1:15

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