Molière for the best comedy in 2022
For families, from 12 years old

A delirious piece, which breaks down the walls...

  • WE LOVE : I love this play, Molière for the best play of the year
  • AGE : from 12 years
  • DATE: until June 30, 2024
  • DURATION: 1h40
  • LOCATION: at the Fontaine theater (Paris, 9th)

East Berlin. Emma and Ludwig want to escape to the West.

Emma is hired as a caregiver at Werner Hofmann's apartment to take care of her senile mother. She is not there by chance, this apartment has a secret passage that leads to the other side of the wall...

The situation is already complicated enough, but if Werner is a Stasi agent, falls madly in love with Emma, and the apartment is a nest of spies, it turns into a burlesque.

Berlin Berlinthe comedy that breaks down the walls!

play Berlin Berlin in Paris

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